PHPMD report

Problems found

1 /home/user/src/LM/Authentifier/Challenge/CredentialChallenge.php 65 The method process uses an else expression. Else is never necessary and you can simplify the code to work without else.
2 /home/user/src/LM/Authentifier/Controller/AuthenticationKernel.php 88 Avoid using static access to class '\Symfony\Component\Validator\Validation' in method '__construct'.
3 /home/user/src/LM/Authentifier/Controller/AuthenticationProcessHandler.php 66 The method handleAuthenticationProcess uses an else expression. Else is never necessary and you can simplify the code to work without else.
4 /home/user/src/LM/Authentifier/Controller/AuthenticationProcessHandler.php 73 The method handleAuthenticationProcess uses an else expression. Else is never necessary and you can simplify the code to work without else.
5 /home/user/src/LM/Authentifier/Implementation/TestingTokenStorage.php 42 The method getToken uses an else expression. Else is never necessary and you can simplify the code to work without else.
6 /home/user/src/LM/Authentifier/Implementation/TestingTokenStorage.php 59 The method removeToken uses an else expression. Else is never necessary and you can simplify the code to work without else.
7 /home/user/src/LM/Authentifier/Mocker/U2fMocker.php 37 The method createFromArray uses an else expression. Else is never necessary and you can simplify the code to work without else.
8 /home/user/src/LM/Authentifier/Model/AuthenticationProcess.php 163 The method setNFailedAttempts uses an else expression. Else is never necessary and you can simplify the code to work without else.
9 /home/user/src/LM/Authentifier/Model/AuthenticationProcess.php 187 The method setToNextChallenge uses an else expression. Else is never necessary and you can simplify the code to work without else.
10 /home/user/src/LM/Authentifier/U2f/U2fAuthenticationManager.php 69 Avoid using static access to class '\Firehed\U2F\SignResponse' in method 'processResponse'.
11 /home/user/src/LM/Authentifier/U2f/U2fRegistrationManager.php 63 Avoid using static access to class '\Firehed\U2F\RegisterResponse' in method 'getU2fRegistrationFromResponse'.
12 /home/user/src/LM/Common/Model/ArrayObject.php 32 The method __construct uses an else expression. Else is never necessary and you can simplify the code to work without else.
13 /home/user/src/LM/Common/Model/BooleanObject.php 34 The method unserialize uses an else expression. Else is never necessary and you can simplify the code to work without else.
14 /home/user/src/LM/Common/Model/IntegerObject.php 39 The method unserialize uses an else expression. Else is never necessary and you can simplify the code to work without else.
15 /home/user/src/LM/Common/Model/StringObject.php 34 The method unserialize uses an else expression. Else is never necessary and you can simplify the code to work without else.
16 /home/user/src/LM/Common/Type/TypeCheckerTrait.php 62 The method checkType uses an else expression. Else is never necessary and you can simplify the code to work without else.